Friday, July 10, 2015

4th of July, a lot of Office Work, and Cooking!

Hello All, 

Well now you all get a little taste of what the Mission office is like! 

We woke up, and had normal studies! Talk about a first! I found out that my companion is not only Elder Moua, but also Elder Naganuma, and Elder Murakami as well. So we had companionship Studies together, then began a busy P-day. We cleaned, then went to Seiyu (literally west people, or Walmart) it has all your wonderful Great Value products there. Since it was the fourth, we decided to splurge and buy steaks. We then took the shopping carts home, the parking lot for the store, is right next to the Honbu. We then grilled our steaks and had a mini party on president Wadas Deck. After that we emailed and took naps. We were all exhausted. Then we woke up and tried to buy me some new pants, we ran out of time, and had a million calls in the office to get back to so that ended up taking us to the end of the night. 

We woke up got ready, fixed a few things on the computer, then went to DCS, it was good. I had some of those feelings like I am not doing anything that is helping missionary work, those feelings are never fun. Church was good, one of the sisters who went home was at church with her family. It was really funny listening to the translator for sacrament. It is neat to see after each transfer how much your Japanese improves little by little. The rest of church was really good, it was a great recharge. Then we weekly planned after church, because that is all we had time for, it is kind of sad but true. We ate dinner, then worked on fixing all of the many problems that had arisen along with many other assignments given. Then Elder Naganuma and I went out and housed a nearby area. It was fun to have a conversation with him that I could understand. It is night and day with him from our last day together until now. We then raced home grabbed sister Reeves bags, got in the van and began a journey to Nagano. It was a fun car trip. It was weird riding in the car with Elder Naganuma, we are so used to walking and riding bikes together. We ended up having to wait in the car for an hour to drop off the bags. We then got home and planned. 

We woke up had personal study, then got ready and went to the eki to go to shibuya. If you have ever seen the giant crosswalks in Japan that is where they are. And yes, they are massive. We got lost looking for the Apple Store. We eventually made it then spent the following hour and a half talking to the tech guys about how we can get the broken iPads fixed, they wanted to charge a ton of money, figures. So we said we will think about it and left. We went to KFC for lunch, it was delicious...well to be honest it was pretty normal. Then we went to the office. There we split off, I worked on the Mac book, which, to be honest, hasn't been touched in about 8 months to a year, so I have kind of called it as my computer. It is a little weird to get used to but, it will probably be nicer in the long run. It actually fixed a big problem with power point, president Wada gave us a problem with video playback and asked if we would fix it. We did so many things it is hard to report on all of them. I wrote a proposal for the broken screen savers and lost chargers. We then finished after helping others, then went out and ate sushi. That was fun to unwind from the stress of the office. 

We awoke and played volleyball in the gym as a big group. Then after personal study the office exploded with work and calls. Areabook in the mission is effectively down right now, so we are in correspondence with Salt lake trying to figure out what is wrong. Then president called us and gave us a giant project. We are going to make a projection from all the way back to the start of the mission. Then seeing if the graphs correlate, it is a lot of work. At night Elder Murakami and I went out to dendo and find a referral. The referral wasn't there, but we were able to talk to a man who had met the prime minister and has gone hiking with him! So that was cool! Then we came home and worked more in the office until it was time for bed. Some work just never ends. 

We began our day then had personal study, then we had office meeting. It was a lot of fun to see the mission from a birds eye view. After the meeting president Wada was hungry so we went fish him and Sister Wada to a udon shop. We had to make a presentation for the mission leadership conference the next day about Facebook, as well as work on fixing other missionaries problems. We found out that one area has lost their area book so we have to call salt lake about that, we worked more on the project...I really would like to say we more, but to be honest my brain is so fried under all this work I can't remember what we did. At dinner time Elder Murakami and I taught a lesson to on of our investigators, Tetsura-San. We had a great lesson about the restoration, he is really moving forward at a great rate. After was eakaiwa, Elder Moua and I taught about poems! It was a fun class, we are really trying to push our students. When we got back to the office after, the assistants looked like they were in shock. A brand new missionary needed his passport, however he didn't have one so his dad picked him up and they went to a city office near where they are from to go get one. Well he got it, and the assistants tried to tell him to get on a certain train afterwards to get back to his area. Well what happened was he ran onto the wrong train. So the assistants lost him. We found him using iCloud, then called the elders in his area to go and get him. It was pretty intense for a little bit. There is an unwritten rule in the office that we don't bring office work into the apartment. Laughter really is the best medicine. 

We awoke and set up for the mission leadership conference that day, then got ready. After breakfast elder Moua and I went back upstairs to find Sister Wada, and Sister Adamson (the office secretary) in shambles, sister Wada had a miscommunication with the helpers and now they weren't coming. Dum da da dum, Tech Staff to the rescue! We grabbed aprons and began chopping. It was awesome working in a full sized kitchen for once! We helped make Mexican food. Elder Moua and I were like kids in a candy store running around the kitchen. It felt so good to leave the phone downstairs (we forgot it) and the computer, and just serve. We then had lunch with all the zone leaders and sister training leaders. After that we had our Facebook training. It went really well, we were a little worried (okay more like a lot) about what president Wada would say, but he was pleased! Yoshi! We then went back to the computers and coded a little bit more then back upstairs to help sister Wada clean up and eat dinner with her and president! The we had sports night. We played basketball, the. Volleyball. Well Kaitlin knows I am awful at volleyball. So I told my companion, look this is my sisters sport. I just watch, to which he replied, not today, oh no. So he helped me figure things out a little more, now I have sore thumbs! 

We awoke and played volleyball as a district. Then we had personal study, after that I went out to the office and talked with the Adamsons for a little bit. They are awesome. We sat and talked for a while. Then we fixed some problems. We were pretty hungry so we went to Seiyu for lunch and bought steaks, then made mashed potatoes. It was delicious. Then Elder Takahashi (the district leader) and I went on splits! It was great to get out of the office. We were able to talk to so,e really neat people. I had a really strong prompting to go and talk to a homeless man. It was probably my favorite contact I have ever had. I just sat with him and talked about love, and hope. I love how much you just get little whispering of what and when to share certain things with people. We then tried to find a less active, they wearing home so we kubaried. It was pretty fun. I met a woman who came right up to with her boyfriend and said, hey how's your mission going? "Uh great?" She then said she was from Salt Lake and wasn't a member but had a lot of support for us. So that was cool. She tried talking to Elder Takahashi however he doesn't speak much English. We then went back to the honbu and Elder Moua and I worked more on the big project the President has given us, as well as try to fix other problems throughout the mission. After we ate dinner and went to volleyball night! It was a blast, I am getting a lot better thanks to my companion! Afterwards the Assistants asked me to set up and iPad for a sister that recently got back to the mission. I called her and tried to get her info, but she forgot it, so I spent until 10 finding information, and when that didn't work I emailed Salt Lake. 

Love you all, the workload is slowly lessening...or I am just adjusting now.

Elder Dunn

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